Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ghosts of San Juan Bautista: My Start to Research

                                                The Zanetta House
                                           This was the home of the owner of the Plaza Hotel and Saloon. It is also
                                            where the "ghost" of Elizabeth the granddaughter of the owner has been
                                            a few times. A young girl in a white dress, who has been seen to vanish
                                            when seen or walk through walls.

                                             This is "Downtown" San Juan Bautista near the Cutting Horse where the
                                          Ghost Walk of San Juan Bautista Pts 1-2 were filmed. The Cutting Horse
                                          Restaurant is now closed. Pictures of the interior can be seen "on-line."

                                              This is the back porch of the Zanetta House and the entrance for San Juan
                                          Bautista park visitors. In the hallway of this building Elizabeth has been
                                          seen. She is the most famous ghost on this state grounds.

Ghost Walk of San Juan Bautista: Part 1-2 and Hpi Chronicles the Ghosts of San Juan Bautista by
Paul Dale Roberts (2008) are both featured "on line" and can be seen using the Google search engine.

Basically the Rotary International supported the "Ghost Walk" hosted by Ms. Kleinsmith (2008).
Its a walk and interview of people of San Juan Bautista who have seen or have talked to others who have felt "chills" and heard "knocks" and "hoverings" around them, as "images" appear around them, sometimes in bed or seeing images in windows. The smell of smoke or breezes through the house on a calm day, that kind of things was observed.

The "Hpi Chronicles" (www.yourghostories.com) has the same events on their website as in the video on U Tube. One of our "ex rangers" was interviewed, Sheryl Neufeld, and she tells of the "siting" of Elizabeth.

I thought the one time she told me of the hearing (herself) of the (she thought) Breen children running around in the second story floor while she was on the first floor. She told me how she hear them "running back and forth."

Sheryl did show a picture of "orbs" seen in a picture in the second story room. This is in the room where the movie Vertigo was filmed, FYI.

The scaryist story Ive heard was from a park ranger who while in a second story room of the  Plaza Hotel, moved his chair up to see a video of the park with another ranger and after the viewing of the film turned around and the rest of the furniture had moved up next to them during the film. They got out of the room really quick.

                                               The Plaza Hotel and Castro-Breen House

In both of these buildings there was been seen or heard "ghost" activity. The moving of furniture in the building on the right, and hearing of childrens feet running around on the left. There was also a documented picture of a digital camera shot with a "face" appearing (on the film) of an undetermined man in the middle of the Saloon, though the door on the lower right corner of the Plaza Hotel.



  1. excellent! we want more details!!

  2. My Grandmother and Aunt used to own the Cutting Horse back in the 80's. There is no doubt that place is haunted.
